Contact Us
Thank you for visiting our page. We can help answer your questions and set you up as our newest customer. Please note, we receive a high volume of inquiries so briefly stated requests are appreciated.
For general inquiries please email info@mycoterrafarm.com.
If you would like to create an account to order directly from us, or if you already have an account established, orders may be directed to: orders@mycoterrafarm.com.
For Mass Food Delivery ordering and account assistance please email: sales@massfooddelivery.com
If you are interested having our mobile market visit your community or facility, please email: markets@mycoterrafarm.com
We have many requests to visit the farm, currently we are scheduling tours on Fridays. The cost is $25/per person and you get to take home a mushroom kit, a $25 value! Advance reservations required.
Spent Blocks
We are no longer offering spent blocks.
Our Location
Our facility is found in South Deerfield, around which you can find our mushrooms throughout Franklin County and beyond.